You are maybe new on this website and are wondering what all of this is about. My name is Arnaud, and in 2013, when I was just a kid, I discovered Tchoukball. Little I knew it was going to take an enormous part of my life. Some people will name it « passion » but I think it’s more about a life goal. Tchoukball is a sport that is not very known around the world, for now, but I dedicate my life to it. Trainings, competitions, promotion, I put all I have in me to achieve the best level of the sport and to win loads of competition. I want to do that all day, but for now, that’s impossible. Why ? Because tchoukball is not developed enough to pay its athletes. So beside my work and my trainings, I have the goal to be able to live from my sport. For that, I am very active on social medias, promoting myself and my sport, and as you can see I also have a website with a shop. All this beside making sure to progress to the top in tchoukball.